Piet Umiker
Managing Director
Ever since I can remember, I have been guided by my heart for animals.
As a child, I used to bring home a bird that had fallen out of its nest in the forest and nurse it back to health.
I also remember bringing hedgehogs to the hedgehog station in winter when I was a little boy.
So it was not surprising that I also dedicated my professional future to animals.
In 2016, I founded the Tierhotel 5 Stern AG to realize my dream of a boarding kennel that goes far beyond the legal requirements for species-appropriate animal husbandry.
Because of my love for animals and my desire to raise awareness of species-appropriate animal husbandry among the next generation, I am involved in the Hedgehog Aid Association.
Through my role as managing director, I can offer the association a solid basis and help to protect the lives of hedgehogs.